Miracles & Healings Night online

01mar20:30Miracles & Healings Night onlinewith Chuck Parry

Event Details

We want to transmit the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an accessible way with a demonstration of the power of God through signs, miracles and wonders.


Chuck Parry (USA)

Chuck Parry’s life is marked by both faith and the miraculous. He’s seen the dead raised, food multiplied, storms move out of the way, the supply of heaven released through supernatural finances, and countless people healed and their lives transformed. His passion is to see everyone come fully alive and walk out their heavenly purposes, bringing glory to Jesus, who paid the price. He carries and releases the Joy of the Lord everywhere he goes.
A church-planting pastor in Colorado for 20 years, Chuck is now the Director of Bethel Healing Rooms in Redding, CA


Healing rooms: healing-ministries.org/links


Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


March 1, 2023 20:30(GMT+02:00)

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