Initiate Miracles & Healings Nights

We thank you for your personal interest that you carry to our association’s causes which work on the unity of Christians and the respect for the great diversity of the Church. We are convinced that if we work, with different Christians faiths and through collaborating with the local churches and community, we will live a great breakthrough in the miraculous.

We want to preach the Gospel with a demonstration of the Holy Spirit power manifested with healing so that many accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

To initiate Miracles & Healings Nights in your city, there are different steps:

  1. First, we recommend that you share your projects with your community or church spiritual leader. It is important that you are spiritually supported in this.
  2. As soon as you have the support of your community leader, we kindly ask you to contact the leader of the Christians churches and communities in your region to share your vision about Miracles & Healings Nights. This interchange will be an opportunity to suggest assisting to an evening presentation of IAHM, information evening which follows in no mandatory commitment.
  3. Once the leaders are interested with the vision and agree to take part in an evening presentation, next you will need to fill out the official form of interest through the link below.

Once the form duly completed, we will contact you.

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